Mun Films
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Videos for the “Moments” collection by Agatha Paris, where each 9-carat gold bracelet becomes a symbol of unforgettable experiences. These delicate bracelets, welded directly in-store, stand out for their clasp-free design, creating a continuous piece that will stay with you forever.

Client: Agatha París
Year: 2023

Production: Pau Ardèvol
Production Company: NOU-STUDIOS
Camera Operators: Albert Grinyó and Cèlia Espanya
Art Direction: Víctor Heras
Styling: Ángel Cabezuelo
Hair & Make-up: Alizia Moreno
Edit: Cèlia Espanya and Pau Ardèvol
Design and Animation: Alícia Latorre
Color: Cèlia Espanya