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Quique Dacosta x Nespresso

Recently, we visited the restaurant of the chef with 3 Michelin stars, Quique Dacosta. We observed how he works with passion and respect for the ingredients, creating unique gastronomic experiences. His collaboration with Nespresso highlights the importance of coffee as an essential part of the culinary experience. As he himself said, “people don’t go to restaurants to eat well; they go to live an experience,” and this vision inspired us deeply.

Client: Sant Just Desvern town hall
Initiative: Associació de comerços i empreses de Sant Just, Dona i empresa and municipal market
Year: 2020

Director: Pau Ardèvol
AD: Sandra Reina
Production: Caterina Cladera
DOP: Pau Català
Focus Puller: José Ramón Ripoll
Sound: Sono Film
Producer: Anna Álvarez
Art: Elena Martínez
Art Assistants: Katarzyna Rożek and Jou Massana
Gaffer: Ivan Rodríguez
Electrician: Santi Rodríguez
VFX: Animation Box
Color: Michele Falci
Graphics: Eloi Muñoz