Mun Films
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Spot created for Conserves Ferrer with the aim of showcasing their variety of products. We proposed making a video that reflects generational, social, and territorial diversity throughout different seasons of the year. Always under the brand’s premise of preserving traditions.

Client: Conserves Ferrer
Year: 2022

Director: Pau Ardèvol
Producer: Caterina Cladera
Production Assistants: Aina Cortina, Alejandro Fernández, Marina Payán
DOP/Gaffer: Lordverd
Sparks: Carlos Garcia and Gabriel Arribas
Camera Operators: Albert Grinyó and Pau Ardèvol
Art: Triquiñuelas Escénicas
Food Stylist: Amanda Laporte
Hair & Make-up: Laura and Maila Maillo
Editing and Effects: Gonzalo Rielo, Eloi Muñoz, Pau Ardèvol
Sound Design: Roger Blasco
Color: Cèlia Espanya